Following Up

We are conducting a follow up study after babies go home to learn about their growth and development over time. When it is time for babies to go home, we will ask you about joining this follow up study.

For the follow up study, we would like to connect with you by phone and/or email when your baby is 4 months corrected age and again at 12 months corrected age. We will call you to check in, and then send some questionnaires that you can complete online. No in-person visit is necessary for these time points, but we would like to see how you and your baby are doing and if we can help connect you with resources.

When your baby is 2 years old, we will ask you to bring him/her to the NICU Follow-up Program for a visit in the Brigham and Women’s Hospital Center for Child Development at 221 Longwood Avenue. Research testing can be coordinated with a regular clinic visit, or we can schedule a separate research visit – whatever is more convenient for you.

During this in-person visit, we will weigh and measure your child. Your child will also complete 3 tests with a member of our study staff. Below is a description of these tests:

  • The Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development evaluates cognitive and motor abilities, language, and behavior. Your child may have been tested clinically with the Bayley when he or she was younger. In some instances, this test can be done as part of a scheduled clinic visit.

  • The Spin the Pots test asks your child to search for stickers in different pots.

  • The Mommies and Babies test asks your child to sort plastic animals into buckets.

We will also ask a parent to complete a set of questionnaires.

We expect the visit will take about 2 hours. If you are combining the research visit with a clinic appointment, it may take longer due to the regular clinic visit activities taking place.

Study follow up now extends to 5 years of age, which includes a brief survey each year and a visit at 5 years.

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