The Nourish Study is a clinical research trial at Brigham and Women’s Hospital. We ask families of babies receiving our care in our Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) to help us learn more about infant and child development by joining our study.
When a baby is born preterm, the NICU care team pays close attention to the baby’s nutrition. Preterm babies who are fed breast milk need extra nutrition added to their milk. This is called fortifying. The Nourish Study tests a new way to fortify breast milk. We hope that this new way to fortify milk will meet the nutritional needs of preterm babies better than the standard way to fortify milk. Figuring out the best way to fortify milk is important because better nutrition leads to better growth and brain development in the NICU and to better outcomes after leaving the hospital.

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This study is funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH).